PHILTH HAUS ︎ virtual care lab

This is a durational performance of 1 hour, beginning when you load the page.
If you registered for our post-ceremony gathering,
please join us at approximately 12:00pm Pacific Time after viewing.
VULNERABILITY COMPANION SYSTEM is a monthly series of participatory, livestreamed grief practices curated by artist PHILTH HAUS. We open this portal to heightened states of emotionality.
Guided by diverse companions, each present in multiple facets of grief and emotionality of this moment, the practice aims to build an online archive of videos and practices to return to when you need companions in moments of emotionality.
We do not expect you to cry, nor prioritize a single experience of emotionality. We offer this space to sit with your unique experiences and emotions, as we open ourselves to experience our emotions in full.
Together, we empower the tear amidst our seismic grief.
PHILTH HAUS is an art collective of 6 members, or entities: ANDRA, SYLLA, LYLEX, COLY, ROCO, and PHILIP. This community is channeled by ANDRA and now interacts as an ever-evolving system of trans member entities searching for a form. Their recent album is "atoyfl". The collective has been exhibited in Los Angeles, New York, Boston, and Honolulu, and currently is a participant of 2019-2021 De Ateliers Artist Residency in Amsterdam. ANDRA is a graduate of Harvard University with a B.A. in Molecular & Cellular Biology, Minor Studio Art cum laude.